How the skin ages on the face and the neck
As part of the aging process, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes thinner and less toned. The effects of aging may also be accelerated due to inherited characteristics or external factors like sun exposure and smoking.
On the face, signs of aging are:
– Drooping brows,
– Sunken cheeks,
– The appearance of lines around the mouth and nose (laughter lines) and « marionette lines » running from the corner of the mouth downwards to the chin
– The oval contour of the face changes and jowls appear
On the neck, signs of aging are:
– A double chin,
– A change in the appearance of the platysma muscles leading to a « stringy » looking neck
– An overall sagging of the skin
Why opt for a lift ?
The term « lift » applies to any surgical procedure that aims to give tone to slackened skin and subcutaneous tissue by pulling them back and making them more taut. A lift is designed to provide a durable solution to the effects of aging. It can add natural-looking beauty to the face and help establish a greater level of self-confidence as a result.
Aesthetic and plastic surgeon Doctor Roman Merle is a specialist in face-lifts and performs these procedures in Antibes. During consultations with him, he will ask you to explain the imperfections that you hope to correct or improve – this will able him to decide the most appropriate way forward for you in terms of surgery.
Different types of face-lift
- The cervico-facial lift
This is the technique that is most frequently used. The cervico-facial lift (or classic face and neck lift) corrects signs of aging on the face from the temple area, the cheeks and the neck.
The cervico-facial lift procedure
The operation takes approximately 2H30 and is performed under a general anaesthetic. Dr Merle will make an incision in the skin behind the ears and in the hairline (any scars will be virtually undetectable) to then be able to lift and tighten the skin and the subcutaneous tissue around the cheeks and neck. He will remove any excess skin and use liposuction for any surplus fatty deposits. Following surgery, you will need to stay in hospital for 24 hours. It is advisable to reduce any social activities over 10 to 15 days and to refrain from practicing sport for a month after the operation.
What does a cervico-facial lift aim to do ?
Using this technique, Dr Merle will be able to correct numerous signs of facial aging:
sunken cheeks,
– laughter lines,
– marionette lines,
– the appearance of jowls,
– the appearance of a double chin.
This procedure does not aim to drastically alter the shape or look of the face but to make your face look how it was when you were younger.
What does a cervico-facial lift cost ?
The cost of a cervico-facial lift performed by aesthetic and plastic surgeon Doctor Roman Merle in Antibes, is €5000 and it will not be reimbursed by Social Security.
- The temporal lift
The temporal face-lift corrects signs of aging in the temple area.
The temporal face-lift procedure
The operation takes approximately 1H and is performed under a general anaesthetic. Dr Merle will make an incision in the hairline (the scar will be totally hidden) to then be able to lift and tighten the skin in the temple area. It is a procedure that can be performed on an outpatient basis or with an over-night stay in hospital. It is advisable to reduce any social activities over 5 to 10 days and to refrain from practicing sport for a month after the operation.
What does a temporal face-lift aim to do?
Using this technique, Dr Merle will be able to:
– treat any drooping of the lateral part of the eyebrow
– smooth out wrinkles known as crow’s feet
– tighten up the outer part of the eyelids
What does a temporal face-lift cost ?
The cost of a temporal face-lift performed by aesthetic and plastic surgeon Doctor Roman Merle in Antibes, is €2700 and it will not be reimbursed by Social Security.
- The use of lifting threads
Alongside face-lifts, aesthetic and plastic surgeon Doctor Roman Merle in Antibes, can propose the use of Elasticum® lifting threads to lift the sagging skin on the face.
The flexible, non-dissolving threads are made from silicon and are inserted using a needle. This procedure is performed under a local anaesthetic. By incorporating a loop, Dr Merle can pull back and tighten sagging skin. It is a procedure that is performed on an outpatient basis. It is advisable to reduce any social activities for a week after it has been done.
What does a thread lift cost ?
The cost of a thread lift performed by aesthetic and plastic surgeon Doctor Roman Merle in Antibes, is €4000 and it will not be reimbursed by Social Security.
Techniques that can be combined with face-lifts
For an even more comprehensive age-combating treatment for the face, aesthetic and plastic surgeon Doctor Roman Merle in Antibes can propose the following, depending on your specific needs and expectations:
Correction of forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet using injections of botulinum toxin
- Rejuvenation of the eyes: upper and lower blepharoplasty ,
- Treatment of the cheeks by injecting fat or hyaluronic acid,
- Treatment of fine lines using a chemical peel or the Legato 3 technique
- Rejuvenation of the lips using hyaluronic acid injections
- An upper lip lift